Unsplash Award - ‘’Emerging Talent’’
UAL - Grad show 2024
Copeland Gallery, Peckham 24 - Group exhibition
DONNIE Magazine - Featured in 2nd issue of DONNIE, BRUSSELS
DONNIE Magazine - Exhibition at Galerie BOG-ART for release party, BRUSSELS
FOMU Antwerp X Skinmutts - Exhibition for ‘’Skinmutts’’ magazine in collaboration with the Antwerp museum of photography, ANTWERP
CORNER VIRTUEL - Selected for open call + exhibition, PARIS
MAD ‘’Home of creators’’ Design & Fashion platform - Photo print display, BRUSSELS
SKINMUTTS MAGAZINE - Photographer for 1st edition & publication SKINMUTTS magazine
LIMINUL MAGAZINE - Selected work published -https://liminul.xyz/line-teta-blemonts-strange-banalities/, MONTREAL, CA
FOR ALL QUEENS - SYWVH - Screening at Kaaitheater, BRUSSELS
VICE Belgium - featured in article https://www.vice.com/fr/article/epn4y7/festival-chose-qui-bouge-autoportrait
Lo0ney Studios - Member of online creative community
Lo0ney Studios - Group exhibition at Galerie BOG-ART
Judith Kiddo – JCD display, BRUSSELS
La nombreuse collectif - ''Hier is da feestje'' - selected for Open call + photo display, BRUSSELS
Recyclart – ''NACHTVOLK / NIGHTSHIFT / PRESENCES NOCTURNES'' - work selected for exhibition at Galerie Ravenstein