This is a shoot I did for my new podcast called ‘’camera shy’’. The aesthetic of the shoot was inspired by South Korean photographer Choge Seok (@chogiseok). I had the idea of starting a podcast which is rather ironic considering I am very much so ‘’camera shy’’ myself. The name itself was born out of a name generator app and a ‘’aha!’’ moment during a moment of lack of inspiration. As someone who feels uncomfortable being at the forefront of anything and is more so in their elements whilst being in the background/behind the scenes, it felt both paradoxical and ironic to start my own podcasts series. I am used to being behind the camera and shedding light on others and what they do, in fact that’s been my role for quite some time now. Making a project about my ideas and conversations feels both intimidating and somewhat unnatural, but it also feels important and worth the risk.  We’re in the midst of a time where it’s the new norm to share your privacy and almost at times sell our intimacy online and that was the last thing I wanted to be part of. In fact the world of influencing, vlogging etc is precisely what I wanted to avoid. The idea of showing my vulnerability in front of strangers was something that put me off.  With ‘’camera shy’’ my intent is to  find a middle ground where I can share my ideas without making it about me and my life but more so sharing my ideas in a universal way. Being a host is a title that I would’ve never expected myself to have. Especially with something as personal as a podcast where viewers can enter such a vulnerable place where your intellect is no longer a place of personal intimacy but is instead broadcasted in a raw and uncut way. Another ironic element to ‘’Camera shy’’ is the fact that it’s a podcast that is also available in audiovisual format. Despite this sort of canceling the whole concept of a podcast, I thought it only made sense to have a visual format available considering how much of a visual generation we are. Besides, I am a photographer, so it felt natural for me to want to have imagery in the way I present my ideas. Being a ‘’host’’ is coincidental because I often say I am someone who was ‘’born to be in the background'’. What I mean by that is that I truly feel intune with being an observer rather than an actor. I think my role as a photographer is heavily based on observation, silence and contemplation hence why I resonate so much with practicing photography and why it feels innate and natural for me.

I hope camera shy nurtures ideas within you and me.

Shot at @madhomeofcreators in Brussels.
Models: Yurika Dursel & Thomas Baudoux